the tree

The tree Trees denote women and men of different morals . Seeing trees is a sign of quarrels, and unknown trees are a sign of worry and distress, especially if he sees them in a dream at night . If it is a heresy, then it is ceased, or if he is an infidel, he becomes Muslim . If the seer is an unbeliever, he becomes Muslim or a sinner, he repents . Whatever trees are specific to mashmum, such as henna and rose trees, indicates the masters of goodness and knowledge without action or saying without action . Seeing what is specific to mashmum and lemon juice, such as orange and lemon, is specific to mashmoum, and the restaurant, such as orange and lemon, and action, and word and deed . Seeing what is specific to the mutam, not to the mothmoum, such as the palm and walnuts, indicates the gentlemen who do not take what they have except by exerting effort and fatigue . Seeing what is not a restaurant or sniff, such as poplar and cypress, indicates stinginess and stinginess . Every tree that its leaves fall from indicates poverty and wealth, conservation and forgetfulness, joys and sorrows . And every tree that does not drop its leaves is a sign of longevity, perpetual livelihood, wealth, and steadfastness in religion . And whoever saw that he lay on trees, his children increased . And whoever plants a tree that is hung, then he intermarriages with a people and befalls honor . And a tree that has no fruit denotes hard, huge men, who have neither wealth nor good . And the tree with the thorns is a difficult man . And whoever saw that he cut down a tree his wife died, and if a tree dried up, a sick person would die there . And tree bark is a pond . And whoever sees that he is planting trees in a grove, he will have children . And whoever saw that trees surrounded a mountain, the descendants of that town would multiply . And the tree in front of the house indicates the loyal . The tree with which God Almighty spoke to Moses, peace be upon him, indicates closeness to God Almighty . The tree indicates the grace of God Almighty, and the dry tree is guidance and sustenance . Sitting under a tree with people is evidence of God Almighty’s approval. If the seeker is an unbeliever, a Muslim or a disobedient, he will repent, and a blessed tree in a dream indicates a good return, and a good tree like a palm tree is a good word, and a wicked tree is like a melon, a malicious word . And whoever sees that he reaps from a tree other than its fruit, then he takes money without a solution . It was said : Tree cutting is a disease that affects the cutter and its people .