the crown

The crown The crown in a dream denotes knowledge, the Qur’an, and the king . Perhaps wearing it indicated the renewal of the country, or the coercion of the enemy . If a woman sees the crown on her head, she will marry a thin, rich or powerful man . And if she was pregnant, she gave birth to a boy . And if a man sees a crown on his head, then he will gain foreign power, and if something that fixes him enters the peace of his religion, otherwise there is something in it that spoils, because wearing gold is disliked in Sharia for men . The crown may be a wife, who is high in power, rich and affluent . And whoever saw that and was a prisoner in the Sultan’s prison, he would go out and honor his command just as the command of Joseph, peace be upon him, was with the king, unless he had an absent child, then he would not die until he saw him and he would be his crown . The crown studded with substance is better than a gilded crown alone . And the crown is the king of the Persians or Sultan . And if a woman saw that on her head was a crown of gold, studded with jewels, and if she had ever married a man who had worldly and wealth, and was only worthy, little sickness was foreign, if he was of gold only then he was the husband of an elderly sheikh, and if she had a husband then she would give birth to a son who would dominate the people of his household . If Sultan sees that he wore a gold crown and then disbelieved or prostituted, then his sight is lost . If he wears a crown of gold and essence, he will gain foreign authority and lose his religion . And it was said : Whoever sees that he has a crown on his head and is qualified for that, then the leadership he attains over his people . If a woman sees that her crown has been kidnapped and her husband is sick, then her husband is dying .