The gear

A shield in a dream is a shield and a paradise, and it also indicates fasting. He, may blessings and peace be upon him, said : ( Fasting is a paradise ). And perhaps refer to the protracted friend . Walters is a decent man, obedient and competent to his brothers in every virtue of their virtues . The white gear is a man of religion . The green shield is a man with a shield . The red gear is a cheerful and fun man . The black gear is a man with money and lading . And if a person sees weapons with a shield, then his enemies do not reach him with hate . If a maker or merchant sees that a gear is placed at his luggage, or in his shop, or at his dealers, then he is a sworn man, and he has made his oath into a paradise to sell, buy and deal with in order to be spent for her, and if he has a son, then he was born to meet all supplies and protect him from misfortune . If the shield is of value, then it indicates a beautiful wealthy woman, and if the shield is not of value, then it indicates an ugly woman .