
Ants in a dream are weak people, people of concern, and they are crossed by soldiers and family . And whoever saw that ants on his bed, many of his children . And whoever sees it flying and in the place is sick, he will die or travel . It indicates fertility and livelihood because it can only be in a place where there is livelihood . And if the patient sees that the ants are running through his body, he will die . And whoever sees ants come out of their den, they will get them . And whoever sees ants coming out of a house, his family says of death . If the ants have a wing, they indicate the destruction of many soldiers . And whoever sees ants entering his home with food will increase the good of his home, and whoever sees ants bring food out of his home will be poor . And the exit of the ants from the nose, ear, or other organs while they are happy, thus indicates the death of the seer as a martyr . And whoever saw that he had killed an ant, he committed a sin because of a weak people . And whoever hears the words of ants and is fit for the emirate, he will receive it, otherwise he will gain fertility and goodness . The great ants of warriors kill them, the sick they die, and those who want to travel are tired and lost .