the sun

The sun is in a dream the greatest king, caliph, father, or prince . And whoever sees that he is transformed into the sun, he shall be cast as a king . And if he hits the sun hanging by a chain of guardian and justice in it . And if he sits in the sun and approaches it, then he will obtain from the king a blessing and money, and strength and support, and if he shines on its rays, he will be blessed with a flag that is mentioned in the two . If he saw her, Safia Munira and he was a governor who gained power in his mandate, and if she rose in his house he married, and if a woman saw her, she married, and if he saw her, a merchant would profit in his trade . And sunlight is the pride of the king and his justice . If he saw the sun hit the elevation of talk to him caliph, as well as the moon . And if he saw the sun rising on his head, then he would receive a serious matter, and if it rose on his feet he would have received a lot of cultivation, and if he saw that it had risen on his stomach, he would have leprosy, and if it appeared on his chest, he would be ill . And whoever sees that the sun has set while he is behind it, he will die . And if he sees the sun burning out of it, and the stars are burned around it, then the king will drive out his entourage . If he sees that the sun is red, then it is corruption in his kingdom, and if he sees that it is yellowing then he gets sick, and if it turns black, then he will prevail . If he sees that she is absent, the matter that he is asking for has passed . The treachery of the sun, it betray the king . And if the sun fell on the ground, his father would die . And if he sees that the sun has risen in the house, then he will attain honor, honor, and honor . And whoever sees that he swallowed the sun, he will die . If he sees the sun changed from its state, then sedition falls . If he sees that the sun is rising from sunset, that indicates the appearance of hidden things, and if he is sick then he is cured, and if he is on a journey then he will return . If a person sees that the sun is dark, then it is a bad sign for all people, indicating unemployment, illness, or distress . If he sees the sun descending in his bed and threatening him, then it indicates severe illness . And whoever sees that the sun has shed lights on him, he will accompany the Caliph . And if the sun became hot, it was hit by the Sultan . If he sees that he is fleeing the sun, then he is fleeing from his wife, from authority, or from harm . And if he saw clouds covering the sun, an accident happened to the king . If the sun rises on the ground, it is a sign of drought or burning . Perhaps the sun was a world to guide . And if he saw an eclipse in it, or the accumulation of dust or smoke on it, that would be evidence of an accident of sickness, worry, cloudiness, or distress . Perhaps her absence indicated that the prisoner was returned to prison after his release . And whoever sees a sun and moon in all directions, he will be struck by fear or defeat . And whoever sees that he has worshiped the sun or the moon, he is committing a grave sin . Perhaps the sun indicated sustenance, guidance, following the truth, and healing diseases, and perhaps it indicated travel . And perhaps the sun indicated its name like Shams al-Din, as the full moon indicates Badr al-Din . Seeing the sun, moon and stars is evidence of affliction, imprisonment, or envy from family . And seeing the sun indicates the lamp, because God Almighty said : ( And he made the sun a lamp ). The rising of the sun from its setting is a sign of fear and anxiety, and the authority of the Sultan over the parish, or the advent of the absent or apostasy from religion and the immorality of the penitents . And whoever saw that the sun burned agriculture or its heat harmed people, this indicates diseases, epidemics, and oppression from the elders . See also the moon .