Yellowish color

Yellow color A person who sees in a dream that the color of his face is yellow will have a disease . And it was said : He will be good in the Hereafter and be among those close . A yellow face in a dream indicates humiliation and envy, and a yellowish face in the face may be a sign of hypocrisy . And it was said : the yellowish face indicates worship and tahajjud at night, and the yellowish may indicate love and love . And the yellow color indicates reverence and observation . Perhaps yellowing is a sign of fear . And whoever sees his face white and his body yellow, then his publicity is better than his bed, and if his body is white and his face yellow, then his bed is better than his publicity . And yellowing of the face and body together indicates disease . And a yellow face is a sign of sadness that afflicts the visionary . And the yellowishness in all clothes is sickness and weakness except in the dress of porcelain or silk or brocade garment, as it indicates corruption in his religion .