Transforming things

If things are transformed from their usual norms, such as the church that has turned into a mosque or the dry tree that has become fruitful, then this indicates a change in the rulers of positions, or the different conditions of the world from evil to good, and from good to evil, as well as the transition of prey from their jewels and people from their forms, so whoever sees He is praised, and was not like that, for that is goodness in his religion, reverence for him and an increase in his honor . And whoever sees that he is a boy there is no good in him anyway, then he aspires and acts in ignorance . If a woman sees that she is old or half, and she is not like that, then this is good for her in her religion and this world . And whoever sees an elderly person in a dream has become a young man, and if he is poor, he becomes indispensable, and if he is one of those who have arranged his life, he will return to him, and if he is sick, his ailment is cured . And whoever sees that it has become a beautiful soft branch, it will die quickly . And whoever sees that he is prolonged in a dream, his life will be prolonged and he will have money and children, and whoever sees that he is shortening his house or his livestock, or any of the benefits he has, may fear death for him . And whoever sees a decrease in some of his creation, that is a decrease in his worldly life . And whoever sees that he is in the form of a woman and her adornment, he will be afflicted with humiliation and affliction within himself, unless he sees that he has returned to his state . And it was said : If he is in a quarrel, let him reconcile with his opponent, for the argument is against him, for his favor is victorious by his need . If the woman saw that she had become a man, and she had an absent son, she contacted him, and if she was pregnant she would bring a boy, and if she was not pregnant then she would never give birth to a child, and if she gave birth to a child the boy died before reaching his age, and perhaps the interpretation devoted to her values ​​or owner, and he had a mention in People, and honor as much as the male bone . And whoever turns his body in a dream to the body of an animal, and if he is seven, he will dominate over him without him with his money or his authority and the severity of his grief or his cunning and deceit . If it is to an animal that can be eaten, it indicates its goodness or humiliation . And whoever sees himself as a feather or a wing, that is leadership and goodness that befalls him . If he sees that he is flying with his wing, then he travels in authority as far as he is on the ground . And whoever sees that his body is made of clay, he will not stay . And whoever sees that he has become of iron, his life will be long . And whoever sees that he has become a bridge or a bridge over which people cross, then he becomes a sultan, or the owner of the authority, or the equivalent of the sultan, or a scholar among the scholars, with whom people can reach in their affairs . And whoever sees that he has turned a stick, there is no good in it, for he is corrupt in his religion and in his world, except that he is tired in this world . If he sees that it has become a mace, then it is so, except that he does not obtain from him what he asks for the integrity of his command or his request . If he sees a sick child who has become a bird, it is evidence of his death . And whoever sees that he is deformed or likened to a monkey, that is the vanish of the grace of God Almighty . And whoever sees that he has been transformed into a camel or an animal or a seventh and the like, there is no good in him in religion, especially in any case . If he sees that he has turned into a bird, then he will be a car on the earth who travels, and his life in this world will be similar to that of that bird . Whoever sees that he has become a monster, he will leave the Muslim community and isolate them . And whoever sees that he has turned into a deer, he will have pleasure in living with women . And whoever sees that he has turned into a pig, his livelihood is fertile and humiliated in himself . And whoever sees that he is a spider, then he becomes a repentant worshiper of many sins .