
The Khan is someone who saw the Khan in his dream as his vision is indicative of temporary marriage . Perhaps his vision indicated what was rented from a house, animal, or boat . As for the khans of the path, the sick person who stays in it in a dream will die, and perhaps his worry and distress will be removed by a wife, slave woman, or an animal he rides . And if the seer is married, he will have a son, who will help him in making it . And if he was a sinner, he would repent, or he was lost, he was guided and fulfilled the faith and guidance . The khan is called a hotel. The man’s hotel indicates what his home indicates, and perhaps it indicates the house of the world because it is a travel house, and it may indicate cemetery because it is the home of those who traveled from his home, and went out of his homeland to another country, and he is the one who started his exile until he returns from it . Whoever saw as if he was entering a hotel to a hotel, rode an animal when he left, and he was sick, he came out with a carry . Likewise, if he sees friends staying in an unknown hotel, then he will have an opinion among the people .