
Gold is an objectionable thing in a dream . It was said : It is cloudiness . And whoever sees that he wore something of gold, he will marry a people who are incompetent for him . And if he struck a gold bar, they would hit him as much as he struck gold, or the Sultan was angry and fined him . If he sees that he is dissolving gold, he is set aside in a hate matter and falls into the tongues of people . And whoever saw that he was given a large piece of gold, he would gain authority and rule . And whoever sees that he has found healthy dinars, he will see the king’s face, and he shall return from it safely . If he saw that he had cast gold, he would have suffered evil and destruction . And whoever sees that his house is of gold, he will be hit by a fire . And whoever sees that his hands are of gold, and they become immobile . And whoever saw that his eyes were of gold, my uncle his eyesight . Whoever thinks that he has a necklace of gold, silver, beads, or essence, he is the guardian of the state, and he takes on a trust . Seeing gold indicates joys and livelihoods, good deeds and relieved worries, husbands and children, knowledge and guidance . If gold in a dream became silver, it indicates a change in the situation of the women, money, children and servants, from an increase to a decrease, just as silver, if it became gold in a dream, indicates the good condition of the husbands, family, or clan . Those weaved with gold and other like offerings to God, may He be glorified, and as for those that are plated with gold, it indicates an imitation of the children of this world or the deeds of the people of the hereafter . The pure gold and silver indicates sincerity, purity of intention and the right covenant, and the spun of gold and silver continued livelihood, as well as the stretched out of copper and iron .