
It is the name for whom people disagree with because of his knowledge or industry, or for whom the Imam will succeed him . If a person sees the caliph in a dream, or sees himself as such, he indicates his good condition and the good outcome of his affairs, and the caliph is based on the matter of his religion and the Sharia of his Prophet . What was seen in it of an increase or a decrease in it reverted to what is in it . The vision of the Caliph indicates that the worst and the high levels are revealed, even if the seer is promised a promise that will be fulfilled for him and will receive what he wants . And whoever presides over people in a dream who is not a family, indicates the corruption of the parish, their deviation from the truth, and their tendency to injustice . Whoever dies in a dream among the mighty rulers of affairs indicates comfort and security for the people of his country . The vision of the caliph indicates the speech in the presentation of the seer without choosing the ruler, the imam, the ruler and the scholar, and everyone who has a height greater than another of his lineage . It indicates the parent . Perhaps his vision indicated the Sunnah and its resurrection, religion, piety, retirement from people, i’tikaaf, sincerity in saying and volunteering, building the interior with remembrance and repentance, refraining from sins, the Islam of the infidel, enjoining good and forbidding the evil . If the caliph dies in a dream indicates imperfection . If the visionary becomes a caliph in a dream and he is worthy of the king as a king, or the ruling is the ruling, or the imamate or the guardianship, what befits him will be obtained from that, otherwise he will be imprisoned, ill, or travel far away, or he fails to fulfill his own right or the right of God Almighty . And whoever sees that God Almighty has made him a caliph on earth, he will gain a caliphate if he is worthy of the mandate, otherwise he will fall into a fitnah in which the shedding of blood will perish, and the people of knowledge and piety will be saved . If he sees that he has become a caliph or imam, then he will gain glory and honor . If he sees that he has become a caliph, then there is no good in him except that he is worthy of that, otherwise he will be humiliated, and his matter will be dispersed until he who was his servant and his enemies insulted him . If he sees that he killed the caliph, then he will ask for a great thing and win it .