
It is forbidden money in a dream . Whoever sees that he is drinking wine, then he will be afflicted with great sin and abundant livelihood . And whoever saw that he was drinking it and had no dispute in its cup, he would have unlawful money, and it was said : Rather, it is permissible money . If he had a contestant, he would dispute with him in words and quarrels . If he sees that he has struck a river of wine, then he will be afflicted with trial in his world, and if his income falls into a fitnah as much as he obtained from him . And seeing alcohol for one who wants to share or get married is an approval because of its mixing . And drinking wine to the governor isolate . And drinking wine mixed with water indicates money, some of which is permissible and some of it forbidden . And it was said : money in a company . And whoever sees that he is squeezing wine, he will serve the authority and great things will happen on his hands . And whoever sees that he has been called to a wine gathering in which there is much fruit, then he is called to jihad and martyrdom in it . And wine in a dream indicates sedition and evils, enmity, and hatred . Perhaps drinking wine indicated a cure for the disease, and perhaps the mind had gone madly or were absent from its sense . And if the seer is quarrelsome, then he is his opponent with falsehood because of the audacity that is happening on his tongue . And if he was unemployed, he served someone else, or he was poor, or he was single, married, or sick who had been cured of his illness . Though the mustache among the people in the River and the fun indicated were beaten, and Nkthm Covenant guardian or fight them and breaking their oaths . If the drinker of alcohol is a scientist, his knowledge increases because of the thought that is presented to a person when drinking . And he considered what he drank from the wine : if the wine was from grapes, the seer might have eaten grapes in a wrong time, or he fell into a blemish because the word “defect” is corrected by the word “grape,” and perhaps his provision is lawful . And if alcohol was bought, or he took over his juice, then he may have fallen into something wrong that requires a curse on him . And wine indicates lying and chatter in speaking, divulging the secret and fornication . And what it was called was considered : alcohol is a sin, and perhaps it refers to an adulterous woman, who is the drug, and drinking it in a dream may indicate disobedience to parents, or selling something of the drug, which is the Slavs . Perhaps drinking it in a dream indicates religion and advances, which is the spirit . Perhaps her drinking indicated the spirit of money or the boy, and her drinker might find relief, even if he was tired . And she is the old woman, so the seer may have drunk with an old woman, or he married a woman as well . And drinking wine indicates the stupidity and ignorance of the drinker . And if a dead person is seen drinking wine, then he will be blessed in the Hereafter, because alcohol is a drink of the people of Paradise, unless he died while he was insisting on it, or he was in his life who would deem it permissible . And wine indicates good for one who wants to marry because water is mixed with it and mixed with it .