
Anklets is in a dream a son . And whoever thinks that he has gold in it, then he gets sick, or he has a mistake in his religion, and if the anklets are on the woman, then she is safe from fear, and if she is without a husband she marries a generous and generous husband, she will see good from him . And whoever sees that he has an anklet of gold or silver, he will be hit by them, grief, imprisonment, or restraint . And it is said : the two men have their chains . Nothing of jewelery is suitable for a man in a dream, except for the necklace, necklace, ring and earring . And what a woman saw in her anklets of goodness or corruption, the interpretation of that is in her husband, and if she does not have a husband, then her adornment among people is as much as the beauty of the anklets and their appearance . And the anklet in a dream is elevation, breadth, glory, and beauty .