
Beating with whips in a dream is bad words, and if blood flows from him, then it is a loss of money . And beating with pearls is life is dead . Hitting the sword is evidence of victory over the enemies . And beatings in the armpits of parts of it between his family and relatives . The beating is good and is known to the beaten . And if he sees that an angel is beating him, then he will be clothed, and if he strikes him on his back, he pays his debt, and if he strikes him on his disability, he will marry him . The beating is preached, so whoever sees that he hits a man on his head, he wants his head to go . If he strikes him in the eyelid of his eye, he wants to violate his religion . If he pulled the blades of his eyelid, then he wanted an innovation from him, so if he strikes him on his skull, the one who strikes him will get him . And beating is a supplication : So whoever sees that he beats a donkey is its rider, then he does not eat until after he calls upon God Almighty and asks him . If he saw that he hit a man, then he should pray against him . And he hit other than the woman under his hand because of the benefit of the batterer for them . And if he saw that he was beaten, then that is a good evidence, if the struck was not some angels or some of the dead, and struck by walking is a bad evidence because he is of leather, and the same is striking with a reed, and if he sees that he is hitting someone else then it is more beneficial for him than if someone else hits him . And it was said : Beating and flogging are explained as knowing that the beaten knows good manners . And beating in a dream travel . Whoever sees that he hits the ground, he will travel . And whoever has had a hundred lashes in his sleep, then he has committed fornication or is concerned with that . The flogging of forty lashes is of wine, and the flogging of eighty lashes is the throwing of the women’s men . And whoever sees a dead person strikes him, and the dead person is angry, because the one who was struck has committed a sin or has resolved against him, and that the dead is in the abode of truth, he is not satisfied except with what God pleases . And struck the living for the dead strength in his religion . And it was said : He who saw a dead person who had beaten him got better from traveling, and it was said : Whoever struck a dead person will pay off his debt, and beating a person without scratching or painful clothing if that is in the winter season . Beating the animal is a discipline for the one who is not worthy of the animal, and for the one who does not deserve ignorance and aggression .