the face

If you see it well in a dream, then it indicates good condition in this world, good tidings and happiness . And if you see him as black, then he indicates good tidings of a female to the one who has a pregnant woman, because God Almighty says : ( And if one of them brings good tidings to the female, his face will remain black and he is disgusting ). And the yellowish face indicates humiliation and envy, and his yellow face may be hypocrisy . And it was said : His whistle indicates worship, for God Almighty says : ( Their faces are visible from the traces of prostration ). It is the yellowishness of the faces . And whoever among the Ethiopians and Negroes saw that his face was white indicates his hypocrisy . And if he saw the flesh of his cheeks gone, he would ask the people and he would only live by the matter . And in the hadeeth : ( The matter remains with one of you until he meets God, and there is no scattering of meat in his face .) If he sees darkness or warp in his face, he indicates the corruption of his religion or the lack of his status . And if he sees his face blue, then he is a criminal, because God Almighty says : (And the criminals on that day will be crammed with blue ). And if he sees his face black, then it indicates a large number of lies, or a heresy that he brought about in his religion . If his face is large, it indicates his stature . Perhaps the yellowish face indicates love and love . If a woman sees that she has blackened her face with soot, then it is the death of her husband, and if she sees that she is wearing perfume, then it is good for her and her husband . The fluency of the face, its smile and its whiteness are evidence of the good condition of its owner, whether dead or alive . And whoever sees that he has two faces in a dream indicates a bad end, for his saying, peace be upon him : ( God does not look at the two-faced ). And whoever saw that he had faces indicated that he had turned away from Islam, because God Almighty said : (And the angels strike their faces ). Perhaps the blackness of the face indicates fear . And cracking of the face indicates a lack of modesty . Samaajah in the face is a defect and the defect is Samajah .