Pray for

It is in a dream waking worship or prayer . And supplication indicates reaching the goal and the child, and if the supplication is overwhelming and shouting, then it indicates calamities or tribulations . Perhaps the supplication indicates a lack of rain if there is an uproar . If the supplication indicates prayer, and the supplication is known, then prayer is an obligation . If it is a light prayer, then he will have a blessed son . If he sees people gathered together in a prayer, then it is a gathering of children, growth and blessing in blessings and glory, and the elimination of misery . If he saw that he avoided supplication, it is forbidden . And whoever saw that he was praying to God Almighty or being called for him, he will be rewarded with good and bliss . And supplication indicates eliminating the need . And it was said : It indicates the answer, especially if it is in a house of God Almighty, such as a mosque . If he sees that he called his Lord in darkness, then he will be saved from sadness . If he saw it . He invites a man, then he invokes him in fear .