the rain

He is in a dream, if there is no harm from him, then it is good, sustenance and mercy . Perhaps the rain indicated the life of man and the earth, or the accomplishment of what man promised . If the rain is specific to a known place, it indicates the grief of its people, or they are exposed to the viewer . If the rain is a harmful year, such as if it rains blood or stones in the sky, then it indicates sins and sins . And if the seer is traveling, his travel may be suspended . The beneficial rain may indicate reconciliation with enemies, or the relief of the distressed . And rain is a camel caravan just as a camel caravan is rain . And whoever sees a public rain for him, a dead matter lives for him, and receives good, grace and blessing, and if he is overwhelmed or in debt, he will be released . And it rained Faraj and Ghayath in that year . And whoever sees rain in his home, especially without people, will gain benefit, goodness and dignity . And whoever sees a rain pouring out from all sides and uprooting trees, it is sedition and destruction on the part of the Sultan . If the earth rains blood then it is torment . If a farmer sees rain, then he is good news and fertility . And it was said : If the rain is dirt without dust, then it is fertile . If the rain is honey, then it is good for all people, and likewise if it is fat, milk, oil, and the like . And the rain indicates God’s mercy, religion, relief and help . Perhaps the plagues descending from the sky, such as locusts, hail and wind, were indicated, especially if there was fire and the water was hot . Perhaps it indicates the temptation and the blood that is being shed, and perhaps it indicates illness and sickness if it was not in its time . And if the rain was on time, that would prevent him from traveling or from his work, or for the sake of his sick, or because of his poverty, or he was imprisoned . And if he bathed in the rain from impurity . Or he was purified with it for prayer, or he was washed with impurity in his body or clothes, and if he was an unbeliever, he became Muslim, if he was a sinner, he repented, and if he was poor, God Almighty would enrich him, and if he had a need with the authority, I would make it up for him . And whoever saw that the sky rained swords, the people would be afflicted with argument and quarrel . And whoever saw that he was drinking rainwater, if he was purified, then he would be well off, and if he was bad, he would become ill with what he drank of water . See also the thunder, and see the sky .