The mihrab

The mihrab is in a dream a chief or an imam . Whoever sees that he prays in the sanctuary, then it is good news . And if a woman saw that, she would give birth to a son . The niches of the poor, if a person sees them, indicates restraint, sincerity, and a love of being alone from people . The deviant mihraabs are indicative of aberration, slippage in speech and deed, and perhaps the mihrab indicates a permissible provision and a righteous wife, because God Almighty says : ( Whenever Zakaria the Mihrab enters her, he finds with her wealth ). And if the mosque’s mihrab is deviated to other than the direction of the qiblah, or if it smells foul or has a carcass in it, this indicates the visionary’s disbelief, heresy, or his hypocrisy .