A new home

In a dream, it is the world of a man, so whoever sees that he has a new home that is solid and full of facilities, for if he is poor he is well-off, and if he is worried, he will be freed, and if he is a worker who attains a state as good as the house, and if he is in disobedience he repents, and that the capacity of the house is the capacity of his worldly life and his knowledge And his generosity . She was distressed by his miserliness, and she found her to renew his work, and to settle her religion, and her rulings were to manage him, and her houses were his women . And the house of iron has a long life for its owner . If he enters an unknown house and sees dead people in it, then it is the hereafter, and if he sees that he has entered it and is not able to leave, then he will die. If the house is solid, that is his condition in the hereafter . If it was of plaster and bricks, this indicates a bad condition in it . If he enters and leaves it, then he is overseeing death, and then he will be saved . And if the house is alone and it sees the dead in it, then everyone in it will die . If he leaves his home angry, he is imprisoned . If he sees that a man entered his house, he enters his secret . If he is an immoral, then he is betrayed by his wife or his livelihood . For Imam al-Adel, the house is one of the mouths of Muslims . Whoever sees that his house has collapsed, and if it was the home of the just Imam, then that is a notch in some of the mouths of Muslims . The building of the house is in an unknown or known location if a woman is celibate . And whoever sees a house from afar, it is a distant world that he can attain, and if his income is built of mud, and it is not separate from the dawr, then it is a world that befalls it as permissible . If it is made of plaster, then it is a forbidden world, and his departure from these buildings is his departure from this world or from what he possesses . If he sees that he has entered a modern house and he is rich, then he will increase in wealth, and if he is poor he becomes rich if the owner or inhabitant of it is mastery of the house . And whoever sees that he is in his old home, and it is destroyed, then he will inherit an inheritance from a relative . And it was said : Whoever built a house, some of his relatives or one of his children died . Whoever sold his house divorced his wife . If he sees for himself a good house, then it is his righteous deed, and if it is narrow and ugly, it indicates bad deeds . Perhaps the house indicated politeness, and perhaps the fluctuation with the rotation of the age . The house of a man indicates his body, soul, and personality because he is known and known by it, and it is his glory, his zeal, and the concealment of his family . And perhaps it indicated his wealth, which is his strength . Perhaps she indicated his garment to enter him, if his body was her door and his face, and if his wife was her door was his private part . And whoever saw that he was sweeping his house, suddenly he became stricken with money . And it was said : Sweeping the house will be the removal of sadness . It was said : The demolition of the house is the death of its owner . And whoever saw that he was demolishing a new house, they were struck by them and evil . Whoever builds or buys a house will become very good . And whoever sees that the yard of his house or its roof has expanded beyond its known destiny, then that is a capacity in his world and he has luck in his life . And if the patient sees that he has left his home while he is silent and does not speak, that indicates his death .