
The pearl by joining, is in a dream a male boy for a pregnant woman, so whoever sees his wife handing him a dora a livelihood from her, a male child is well-photographed, and if the free woman has no light, then she is a slave girl . If he takes a Dora from his wife and hides it in a box, or covers it with a rag, she is also a slave girl . Dora is good for a woman, if the woman is not married, she indicates that she is married, and if she does not have children, she indicates that she will have children, and if she has a husband and gave birth, she indicates wealth and money . And whoever buys in a dream or trades jewels for glass, or a coin with a coincidence, indicates his choice of the world over the Hereafter, or disobedience to obedience, or that he is apostatizing from his religion . Al-Durr denotes the Qur’an, knowledge, good speech, boys, slave girls, children, and money . Whoever sees that he is drilling a drake, then he explains the Qur’an correctly .