the key

The key is in a dream, provision, aid, or opening the door to knowledge . The keys may refer to children, spies, boys, or husbands to wives . Perhaps the keys indicated an awareness of what he hopes from the unseen God Almighty . Seeing the keys for those with positions is a country and the kings are a farmer, and the key is a victory over the enemy, because God Almighty says : ( God’s victory and conquest soon ). And whoever sees in his hand a key without teeth, he will oppress the orphan . And whoever sees in his hand the key to Heaven, he will receive asceticism and knowledge, or find treasure or money that is permissible . The key indicates a answered call . He who saw in his hand many keys attained great authority . The keys are the lockers because they are opened . The key is explained by Hajj . And the key is made of iron, a man of good fortune and danger . And whoever sees that he has opened a door or a lock, then he is victorious over his enemies, and whoever opens it with a key will obtain what he wants with the help of God Almighty, and if he opens it without a key, he will be victorious with his need for prayer, charity, or the supplication of his parents for him . And whoever sees that he took a key, he will strike a treasure or money from the ground . And if he is the owner of money, then God Almighty has a right to his money, so let him fear God and exclude his right from his money . And if in his hand were the keys of the Kaaba, then he became a great Sultan . Whoever saw that it was difficult for him to open the door did not reach what he is asking for . And perhaps the key indicated the entry of the dead into his loneliness . And the key to the city and to it or its owner . Perhaps the key refers to the world to what knowledge is opened to it .