See the bandits

And whoever sees that the bandit took his money and looted his belongings, then he continues with a certain man and honors him, and he obtains from him many benefits according to what he took from him or indicates that a calamity occurred for him or some of his brothers, and whoever saw that the bandits gathered together, but what they were able to take from him, it indicates severity of disease It is presented to him in such a way that he is nearing death and the consequence of his command returns to health and some of them said whoever saw that a group appeared against him while they were aggressive, then he would triumph over his enemies and whoever saw that a thief entered and struck from his money then went with it, then a person dies there and whoever sees that he entered and does not carry anything, he will get sick in it A person oversees death and then becomes recovered, and whoever sees that he has crossed the road and took someone’s possessions, it indicates that the owner of the baggage is bothering the bandit’s livelihood, especially in a matter that causes harm from him, and if he sees that he has cut off the road and does not take any luggage, then he is seriously ill or recovered. And whoever sees one of the thieves is given the call to prayer. On a beacon, he is famous for his condition, and whoever sees one of the people of crimes in a terrible matter, then he returns to God, and if he sees him against that, then his expression is against him, and it may be as he saw. If the criminal was known, and if he saw that he committed a great crime, he will be entrusted with committing something forbidden and not taking the straight path, and some of them said I hate Seeing the crime in waking and dreaming