Seeing funerals

As for funerals, whoever sees that a group is walking in a funeral, then it indicates that the funeral owner prevails over that group or over the number of people, but he oppresses them and oppresses them, and whoever sees that he has fallen from his funeral will fall from his rank, pride and worthiness, and whoever sees that he is a bearer of a funeral, then he follows a person of authority and benefits from him With money, and whoever saw people crowded into his funeral while he was raised on their hands, he would gain power and prestige, and whoever saw people crying behind his funeral, he praised his punishment. Likewise, if they praise him and pray for him, and whoever sees a funeral in a market, it indicates the hypocrisy of the goods that are in that market and whoever sees that a funeral is going in the air, then it It indicates the death of a large man, and whoever sees a funeral going on the ground while he is set in it, he rides in a ship, and whoever sees that a large funeral is placed in a place, the people of that place ride immorality