Seeing the transformation of creation

And whoever sees that he is an elderly sheikh and is not like that, then he is righteous in his religion and has dignity and an increase in his honor, and if he is an old man and he sees that he has become a boy, then he aspires and is ignorant, and there is no good in him. Likewise, the woman who sees an old woman in a dream has returned a young woman, for she is a world that accepts him. He has become soft and beautiful, so he may die quickly and whoever thinks that he has become long and wide is an increase in life. And whoever sees that he has become in the form of a woman and her adornment, or that he has a vagina like a woman’s vagina, then it is humiliation, submission and despise, and if a woman sees that she has a male like the male of a man or a beard, if she has a child who prevails over his people and if she is pregnant she comes with a boy and if she is not pregnant then she will never give birth to a son Or perhaps the vision will go to her husband, father, or brother, and it was said that an honor has occurred to one of her mahrams, and if a woman sees that she has become a man when she is having intercourse with women or marrying a woman, then she is afflicted with good and honor and is attributed and whoever sees that he has a sin, a horn, or a beak like a donkey, a hose, or a beak, then all this is good and good And whoever sees that he has a feather or a wing, this is a headship and it befalls me If he sees that he is flying, then he is traveling, and whoever sees that he has become an animal whose flesh is not eaten, then he is humiliated and calamity, and if he has a job he is isolated from it and it was said whoever saw that he has become a frog then he works with worship. He turned a spider, then he becomes a good worshiper who repents from many sins, and whoever sees that he has become of iron, then he will prolong his life, and if he sees that it has become from pottery or flasks, then he does not stay and whoever sees that he has turned a bridge or an arch, then he will strike a sultana or a possessor of authority or a scholar that people reach in Their affairs, and whoever sees that he has become a metal of metal, then he uses any of the things that benefit him