Seeing wearing the colors of clothes

And whoever sees that he wears green clothes, it indicates religion and worship. And whoever sees that he wears red clothes, he will be killed and a dispute as much as the red and her fame, or he will have a guardianship if he is asking for it or adornment and joy with a prostitute in religion, and if the woman sees that she wore a red dress, then he has goodness. He wears black clothes, so he suffers from worries and sorrows unless he is one who wears it while awake and knows it, and if he sees that he wears blue clothes, his religion is not good, and whoever sees that he wears yellow clothes, then he gets sick and whoever sees that he wears a garment that is forbidden to him or that he hates him, which indicates that women are disliked. Forbidden, and whoever sees that he wears wool clothes, because wool is the best of clothes, then he hits a lot of money that is permissible, ascetic and righteous in his religion, and whoever sees that he wears a cotton garment or hair or hair, then he is in interpretation without wool and whoever thinks that he wears women’s clothes and if he has a pregnant woman, she comes with a female and if not He has a pregnant woman who has fear and harm to himself and his money. If he sees that he has changed from that state, then he will be saved. If a woman sees that she is wearing men’s clothes, then it is good for her and authority for her husband