Seeing the Holy Mecca

Whoever sees that he is in Makkah or on its way, then he will provide for Hajj, God Almighty willing, and if he is ill, then his illness will prolong and may die from him and he will enter Paradise, God Almighty willing, and whoever sees that he is in Makkah while he is engaged in asceticism, righteousness and worship, he will get good and benefit in his religion and world, even if he sees that he He is preoccupied with evil and corruption and opposes that, and whoever sees that he has descended in Makkah indicates that the world and likewise the people will come, or that he should perform Hajj in complete pleasure and safety, and whoever sees that he is in the sanctuary of Makkah, he is safe from the scourges of the world, and whoever sees that he entered the house, he is safe from what he fears. He embraced Islam or disabled his parents, or he sought asceticism and worship, and it was said that indicates that he is associated with prayer, and it was said that he lives in a mosque