See the teeth

As for the teeth in interpretation, the people of the house and kinship, as for the higher ones, the men and the lower, the women, the fang is the master of the people of his household or whoever suits him, and the right upper fang was said to be a boy who takes the place of his father and the left one is below him. He saw something of beauty and beauty or against them, so he sees that in the one who attributed the tooth to him, and whoever saw that he grew up with a side of that similar to him, then he benefits from those who are attributed to him from the mentioned or whoever takes his place, and whoever sees his teeth, then he is a defect of his household and perhaps this indicates an increase Al-Hassan and your teeth touching is evidence of an argument between the people of his household, and the discrepancy of the teeth indicates that he spent money in denying the worries and the whiteness of the teeth, their length and perfection, an increase in the strength of his face, and whoever sees that he grows a tooth while he is in pain is a disgrace or affliction and whoever sees that someone pulls his teeth indicates that he cuts his womb or He spends his money on hating him, and whoever sees that his tooth falls on the ground and meets him indicates that a child is born to him. If he did not find him, it indicates the death of one of his relatives, and if he sees that his teeth have decreased, then this is not Mahmoud. Some of them said that the smallness of teeth indicates good and their oldness indicates the good news. A link defect It is in vigilance, it is in three aspects: they are, sadness, bankruptcy, the death of kinship or weakness of energy, and whoever sees that all his teeth have fallen and gone, then he is in five ways the death of all his relatives and the length of his life and his money and his livelihood and his religion and he may die and if they fall into his lap or his hand, or in what happens to be preserved Ten ways of getting money, having a lot of offspring, meeting his relatives in a place, demolishing his house, paying debts, going money in interest, passing twenty-eight years of life and having lived for a period of thirty two years and a fine of thirty dirhams to thirty thousand depending on the place and money going at the expense and whoever thinks that he cleans his teeth during the period of time, this is not Mahmoud And whoever sees that there are no teeth in his mouth and then new ones have sprouted, then in three ways things change and a long life and his management is in the interests of himself and some of them said that he who saw that there is nothing in his mouth but a tooth, then it indicates a year, and if he sees more than that than that of less than ten, then one expression of it is a year. A tooth in a place where it is not necessary to grow it, it indicates something that is not praiseworthy, and whoever thinks that he swallowed his teeth or some of them, he eats what is not permissible for him of money