Seeing the eyes

The vision of the eyes is interpreted by the religion, and whoever sees that he is blind or whose eyes are exhausted has lost his mind in disobedience, he commits it, and it was said that he is of little knowledge and does not understand the matters. It was said that he is blind to his argument and asked for his needs. And whoever sees that his eyes are white, then it indicates his sadness. If he is distressed, his anxiety and distress are gone, and whoever sees that he was blind and then saw, then he is guided to the truth, and whoever sees that he is leading the blind, then he will guide a lost person to the truth, and whoever sees that he is blind has gone half of his religion and has struck a grave sin and it is said that he sees a benefit from his brother and hopes for him to grow And perhaps he will get rid of distress and sin and it was said that if he had a brother or son who would die, and perhaps half of his money or half of his life would be gone, then what was left would be settled, and it was said that he would be from the people of Paradise and some of them said that I hate that in a dream because the devil was blind and so is the antichrist and whoever saw that he was injured in his eyes while he was A person of ease and righteousness, and he does not have a son or a brother, then his money falls into the eye, and it is said that he is exposed, and whoever sees with his eyes ashes, then corruption occurs in his religion and oversees the destruction of his religion, and whoever sees that his ashes is reduced from his eyesight, outwardly or inwardly, this is an increase in his religion to the extent that it appears and who saw that it cures His eyes are on five aspects, goodness in his religion, an increase in his money, and the grace of an eye The arrival of a brother from a travel and the existence of a country, and whoever sees that he is wearing clothes for the purpose of adornment, then he comes up with something from him that he gets adornment and goodness to the extent of that, and it was said that if he was married or poor, he benefited from good money. Forbidden for a vagina or anus, and whoever sees that he has many eyes in his body, this is an increase in the debt. And whoever sees that he eats from an eye, then he eats from the money of one who sees his livelihood with his own eyes, then he is a criminal and whoever sees that he has an eye or eyes in his hand, whether it is the eyes of a human or someone else, then he has money on all The condition and whoever sees his heart with an eye, then he is good in his religion and a wisdom he utters that comes out of his heart