What is the relationship of dreams to sex? Is sex work with one of the incest?

What is the relationship of dreams to sex? And does having sex with one of the incest, such as the intercourse of a brother with his sister, or for one of the spouses with a person other than the other, for example, indicate a forbidden relationship? Is this kind of dreams sincere visions? Or is it a pipe dream that does not pass and does not pay attention to it? This question is important in this art, and I find a lot of embarrassment for callers, or callers, when they tell me this kind of vision . The truth is that shyness here is normal. Because it is difficult to imagine the occurrence of such images in conservative Muslim societies, and because of the severe taboo of this action in all heavenly laws . But what I would like to say here : The situation in dreams is very different from the situation in reality, as dreams have their own connotations, which are completely different from reality. Therefore, I do not see any real justification for being ashamed of telling such dreams … Rather, some of them may be indicative of love, righteousness, kindness, or benefit from one side to the other, and very few of these dreams have a bad connotation, but Even if its significance is bad, there is no doubt that narrating such visions to those who trust his love, advice, or knowledge, is sufficient to eliminate all fear that accompanies the occurrence of such visions, and the important thing is to narrate these visions in detail, and not to withhold any information that might benefit the crossing of the vision. . Perhaps from the party that is telling here, that a man of Arab nationality called me his sponsor, and told me that his worker wanted to travel to his country sooner, based on a vision he saw and important to him, and I made him think a lot, and he was discharged in his work, and the sponsor told me that he doubted that he was planning something, and asked I wanted to meet this worker and hear his vision, at the request of the worker himself. I went to the store in which the worker works, and the sponsor met me and introduced me to the worker, who as soon as Farah saw me, and said : I have a vision that I hope you can cross to me . He did not give the doctor an opportunity to accept or reject, and proceeded to narrate his vision that he had seen, and invited him to go to his country, to avenge his honor, discipline his sister who had tarnished his reputation, and changed these descriptions that I heard from him about his sister, and the vision was :: that he saw her naked in one of the places. When she saw him, she felt fear and ran from him, and he followed her, thinking that she was an adulterer . To here, the man finished cutting his vision, and the sweat was pouring from him, so I said to him : I saw good and enough evil, if you believe your vision, I will tell you something about your sister, and I do not know her, so he said : Go ahead , so I said to him : Will you believe me and leave what you think? He said : If what you say is correct, then I will believe you, otherwise I will not believe you . I said : Before you came to Saudi Arabia, was your sister not starting to be religious? He said : Yes . So I said to him : Weren’t you astonished at her sudden commitment? He said : Yes, this is true. I said to him : For this sister of yours is now counting her, and God is her friend, among the faithful, conservative, chaste women who have succeeded in stripping away the sins of her young and old. This is the meaning of her being completely stripped of her clothes. As for undressing her in front of people, it means. Everyone has heard of her righteousness, her asceticism in this world, and her abandonment of many deeds that diminish her faith, and here this man began to cry, and began to seek God forgiveness, and seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan, and how astonished she was when he told him that he had committed evil to her, and that he had resolved To implement his idea as soon as possible, and I say here : Praise be to God who made us missionaries and did not make us alienated .