Seeing urine

And whoever sees that he has worn in a place that requires him to be in his place, then he is relieved of them and grief, and whoever sees that he has no blood, he will have an imperfect child, and whoever sees that he has worn out on the Qur’an, a child will come to him who is a keeper who seeks knowledge. People are blessed with him from his goodness, and whoever sees that he has urinated in a mosque, he saves his money or a son comes to him who is the leader of the people, and whoever sees that he urinates in an unknown place, he marries an unknown woman, and whoever sees that he urinates and another also urinates, their urine is mixed between them, continuing and intermarriage, and whoever sees that a person urinates against him He realizes that he is spending his money on him, and if he sees that he is urinating in a bottle or a bowl, he will marry a woman