See the moon and the five stars car

And the moon is devolved by the minister of the Sultan or his handler, as well as the five stars of the car: Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Whoever sees her kindness and turnout, he will have glory and elevation. He greeted, and whoever saw that he imitated them was guided and interpreted also according to the supervision of the people, and whoever saw her gathered together in a state of sunshine, then he is good in the condition of the honorable people and the meeting of their affairs. He eats it, for that is backbiting and a fall from the people, and whoever saw that he took a star from the sky, and if his wife was pregnant, he had a son, and whoever saw stars swooped on his head or saw her in his house, he had a power and a lift, and whoever saw a star that fell on the ground indicated that a great man had fallen from his position, even if he had Absent, present on him or pregnant