Sandal ~ sole ~

Taking off the sandal is a servant or a woman . And the desirable sole if a road and travel is on it, and if its bridle is cut off, it stays from a travel, and if its traps or its reins are cut off or the sole is broken, then a matter is presented to him that prevented him from traveling due to his dislike of it, and his will to travel according to the color of his sole. And if it was red, it was a pleasure, and if it was green it was for religion, and if it was yellow it was an illusion . Because he saw that he owned a shoe, and a woman’s king did not walk in it . Wearing them tied to a woman . If she was unheard, she was a virgin, and likewise, if she was dressed, she did not wear, and the woman was attributed to the color of the sole, and if he saw that he was walking in sandals, then one of them was removed from his leg, and he left a brother or partner . Wearing sandals while walking in them is a travel in land. If he wears them and does not walk in them, then she is a woman he marries . If he saw that he walked in his locality, he had intercourse with his wife . The hairy insole is money, and the foreshore is a woman . And the sole of the participant is a daughter, and if he sees it as if he wore new, hairy, well-dressed sandals, she did not associate with her or wore a virgin . If he sees as if her heel has been cut off, then she is an unbelievable woman . He was said to marry a woman without two witnesses . If she did not have the reins, he married a woman without a guardian . If he sees as if his sole is folded, and the lower plate is split and does not fall, his wife gives birth to a girl . If the plate becomes attached to the plate, the girl’s life will be prolonged with her mother, and if she falls, she will die . And whoever sees as if he has patched his sole, then he replaces the defect in the matter of his wife and improves intercourse with her . If someone else patches it, it indicates corruption in his wife, so if he pushes his sole to the shoe to fix it, then he helps his wife to commit an immoral act . If he sees as if he is walking with a sole, then he will divorce his wife or leave his partner . It was said that this vision indicates that he has intercourse with one of his wives without the other, or that he is traveling incomplete . If he saw as if his sole went astray or fell into the water, then his wife would oversee perdition and then deliver . If he sees a man who stole his sandal and put on it, then a man deceives his wife, knowing him and accepting that . And the sole of silver is free and beautiful, and of bullets is a weak woman, and of fire is a scathing woman, and of wood is a treacherous hypocritical woman, and the black sole is a rich woman with levity, and the soles of color are a confused woman . And from cowhide it is from the Persians, and from the Horse skins it is from the Arabs, and from the Leather of lions it is from the Dark of the Sultans . And the linen sole is a hidden woman who reads the Book of God, fluent . And it was said that taking off the sandals is safe and obtaining guardianship, because God Almighty says : “ Take off your sandals .” A man asked Ibn Sirin, and he said : I saw my shoes had gone astray, and I found them after hardship . He said : You seek money and then find it after hardship . It was said that walking in the sole is a journey in obedience to God Almighty, and Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw sandals on his feet and said : You travel to the land of the Arabs . And it was said that the sole indicates the brother . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I was walking in my shoes, and the bridle of one of them was cut off, so I left it and went on my own . He said to him : Do you have an absent brother? He said : Yes . He said : You went out to the ground together, so you left him there and returned? He said : Yes . Then Ibn Sirin reclaimed and said : I do not see your brother but he has left our religion . Ford mourning soon .