In the vision of the angels, peace be upon them

In the vision of the angels, peace be upon them, I heard Abu Al-Fadl Ahmed bin Imran Al-Harawi in Makkah, which God Almighty guarded . He said: I heard Abu Bakr bin al-Qari say : I heard Abu Bakr Jaafar bin Al-Khayyat, Sheikh Al-Saleh say : I saw the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sitting with him in sleep, a group of poor people, full of mysticism. They pour water on the hands of the poor and wash their feet. When they reached me, I stretched out my hand, and some of them said to one another : Do not pour water on his hands, for he is not among them. I said, O Messenger of God, if I am not among them, then I love them, so the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said the believer is with the one I love. On my hands until I washed them . Professor Abu Saad, may God be pleased with him, said : Seeing the angels in sleep if they are known and upbeat, indicates the emergence of something to the visionary, pride, strength, good news and victory after an injustice, or healing after illness, or security after fear, or pleasure after hardship, or wealth after poverty Or Faraj after distress . And it requires that its owner perform Hajj or invade, and he is martyred .