Male ( zeb )

Remembrance : So it indicates all the knowledge or power that a person has in terms of good or evil. If that is not met by him, his wife is ailing or disobedient, then how if she is the one who sees that for her husband, then he leaves her with death or life, unless she is one who excuses the boy On her and he asks for that from her, he never sees him from her . If there is no wife, and he is the owner of the eyes, the driver and the watering, then the stream is cut off from him and his legs are broken, or his bucket breaks off or falls into the well . So how about if in a dream he is marrying a woman, and his remembrance is cut off in her vagina . Unless his wife is ill in a dream, and he has no female head or fetus, and it was his wife, and if there was a fetus in her womb that perished, or came out dead, or she became pregnant with something that is not alive . If she is someone who is not pregnant with her, and the man has money in travel or trade, he will go or lose it . And if he is poor, he will go in the question and seek a pension, otherwise his bucket falls into the well or his jar, or a boy, kitten, chick, puppy, or something of his belongings falls in it, or a shortage of his animal’s condition, and an increase in his sleep and success in passing . And all that comes out of the male is indicative of money, the boy, and the marriage, and the urine is indicated by the place in which he urinated . If he urinates in a sea, money comes out of it to a ruler, a jaab, a tenth, or a max, and the nura flows through the urine in this section, as well as semen, madhiy and wadiy . If he pours in a bathroom, he gets married if he is celibate, otherwise he will spend money for a woman or be serious about it . And if he urinates in a jar, bag, or utensil, then he gets married if he is celibate, or if his wife becomes pregnant if he is married, or he pays her money if she asks for it . And semen participates with urine in this section . It may be inferred to the corruption of what they indicate in terms of blood or anus, or after perjury, or in fornication, or the like, in the places where the sleeper urinates, and the characteristics and changes of urine, such as one who urinates blood or urinates in his hand or in food and the like .