
Zakat : In a dream, he is one of the wealthy, because his money is fruitful and his left increases, unless he owes a debt or has a deposit, then he makes up for that and pays it to his owed . If the obligator is a dead person or a righteous man, then he has succeeded with God and his remembrance rose and paid zakat on his work, so how about if he prays with the effect of that or remembrance of God, then if he gives permission for that at a time other than during Hajj, then perhaps he will testify and pay zakat on it ? If that is during the months of the Hajj, then he is doing Hajj, God willing . And if a poor person sees that, if he shaves his head, cuts his mustache, pluck his armpits, trim his fingernail, or shaves his pubic hair, unless he is stripped of clothes or washed with water, or he does that in a mosque, or prays after that, then he goes out of his condition and repents from his sins and rises up About him, and succeeds with apparent prayer or witnessed witness .