
The abdomen : He who is visible and from the inside, he is a mother, a boy, or a relative of his clan . If he sees that he is tender in the stomach and nothing detracts from his character, then his wealth or his son will be less if his emptiness is without hunger . And if he sees that he is hungry, then he will be anxious and hungry, and he will strike money according to the amount and strength of hunger . Satisfaction is his pleasure, thirst is bad in his religion, and irrigation is good in his religion . The stomach also indicates the store of a person and the location of his yields, for the combination of his food in it and his disposal of it for interests and expenses . Perhaps his stomach was his home or his home, his wife’s roundabout, his son’s liver, his father’s heart, his servant’s and daughter’s lungs, his paw his sack or his shop or his store, and his throat was his life, his nerve and his gang .