the teeth

Whoever saw that he treated something of his teeth : until he pulled it out, or he saw that that cured him from something else and pulled it out, then he is disliked with a fine for money or something similar . If he sees all of his teeth falling out and falling into his hand or in his possession, then he will increase the number of the descendants of the people of that house . If he saw that they all fell, then people with his teeth would die before him, according to Saeed bin Al-Musayyib . Saeed used to use names in interpretation a lot, and if he saw that he had lost some of his teeth, he would estrange those who attributed that tooth to him, and Al-Qayrawani said : Perhaps the teeth indicate the teeth that have a human body, and that sustenance is connected to the abdomen . The money may indicate what a person uses to seek and earn his livelihood, such as livestock, servants and comfort . Whoever saw his teeth all fell out, I looked at his state, his time and his alertness . If all of his household were sick in a plague and the like, they perished, and he remained after them . And if he has no family and he has money, his money will be robbed and his blessing is taken away . If he was poor, the one to whom his teeth were attributed died, and remained after them . As for the loss of a single tooth, if it was without treatment and you went from it when it fell, the patient died from his household, or was hit by money . And if at the time of its fall, he took it in his hand or squeezed it into his garment, then look at his condition, and if he had a pregnancy, a child came to him according to the value of the tooth’s essence and its location, otherwise it is good for a brother or relative who had cut him . And if there is blood, then that is the sin of severing the uterus, unless it owes a debt, and it is required and treated to eliminate it .