
Dirhams : the human natures in it are different, some of them see that they have afflicted them and fall into wakefulness, as they look or like their number, and some of them find eggs from the dirhams in their nature good words and that inscription in which the monotheism of God Almighty and His name is found on it . And blacks find the dirhams uproar and rivalry . Both of them are words, except that the whites are words of righteousness, and the blacks are words of rivalry, and some of them do not agree with any of them anyway, and all of this takes place if the dirhams are a prominent phenomenon that turns . If he sees that he was given the dirhams in a bag, bundle, or pouch, then he is deposited a secret and he saves it for its owner as much as he preserved from that, so he must take care of it . Likewise, if he sees that he has paid it to someone else, then he entrusts it with a secret, preserving it for its owner . A dirham in any case is better than many dinars, and is easier in secret . The same applies to a single dirham for a small boy, especially if it is underweight, so what happened to the dirham happened to the boy . If he saw that it was taken away from him or he went there with no return, the boy would die .