
Flying is a journey in a dream, and if it is on the back, then it is a travel in comfort . Flying for the non-traveler is idle . And whoever flies from surface to surface goes from a thin man to a thin man . And if a woman sees that she has become from her home to that of a man she knows, then she will marry that man . And whoever flies from a house that he knows to a house that he does not know will die, for it is the abode of the Hereafter . If the prisoner flies in his sleep, he is released from prison, and if the king sees that he has flown, he is released . And it was said : If flying is successful, then it is travel . And whoever was flying with the bird in his sleep, he would accompany strangers . And whoever was a person of vanity and saw that he was flying, then his vision is invalid .. and whoever precedes a person, flew and precedes him, he will defeat him . And whoever sees that he has flown over a mountain, he will gain a dominion and overpower kings in it without fatigue . And whoever saw that he was flying and was fit for the sultan, he obtained it, and if he fell on something, he would own that thing, otherwise he would have a mistake in his religion . And whoever sees that he has disappeared into the sky and has not returned, he shall die . And whoever flies from his home to an unknown house, he moves from his home to his grave, and if he flies in the air, he will become ill until he is close to death . Whoever flew from bottom to top without a wing won a wish . And whoever saw that he was flying flat, his affairs would be settled without fatigue . And whoever sees that he flies and has two wings, then he is a good evidence for all people, and if he is a slave, he indicates his emancipation, and if he is poor, he becomes rich . And whoever saw that he was flying with his desire and will, this indicates much good . If he sees that he is flying and leaves the house, he indicates his death . And whoever saw that he was flying, he could not, or that he was flying with his head slaughtered on the ground and his feet in the air, indicating much evil that he would be exposed to . If the patient sees that he is flying, he indicates his death . And whoever saw that he was flying in a stretcher indicated a severe illness that he would be exposed to . And whoever sees that he is flying between the sky and the earth, he will make many wishes . Perhaps the flight was seeking knowledge or seeking debauchery . And flying indicates flying and pessimism . And if he flies with a wing, he will travel with glory and power . If he was without a wing, he would travel hard, especially if he flew from a good place and landed in a bad place, and if he flew from a place that was permitted and landed in what is better than he was the opposite .