Drinking wine

Wine : Originally is forbidden money without hardship. If someone sees that he drinks wine, he will suffer a great deal of sin and wealth, for the Almighty says : “They ask you about alcohol and the facilitator, say there is a great sin in them, and there is a greater benefit to them .” And whoever sees that drinking it has no one to dispute with it, for it will hit forbidden money, and they said, rather, money is permissible . If drinking it and he has someone to dispute it, he will dispute with him in terms of speech and quarreling as much . If he sees that he struck a river of wine, then he is afflicting sedition in his world . It entered him into sedition as much as he got from him . Some of the interpreters said : The excessive drinking of wine in the vision is not only bad, and if a person sees that he is among a great crowd tainting wine, then that is bad, because the abundance of drinking is followed by drunkenness, and drunkenness in it is the cause of riot, opposition and fighting . Al-Khamr said to those who wanted marriage and marriage consent because of its mixing . And it was narrated that a man saw as if he was black-faced with shaved head drinking wine, then he narrated his vision on a crossing, and said : As for the blackness of the face, you prevail over your people, and as for shaving the head, your people leave you and your order is gone, and as for drinking wine, you have a woman . A man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if in my hands there were two vessels, one of which was wine and the other had milk . He said : Milk is justice, and wine is isolated, and soon he was isolated and he was a governor . And he drank wine to the governor, who was isolated, and he dispensed wine of dates with suspicion, and he drank date wine . They differed in drinking wine mixed with water, and it was said that he receives money, some of which is permissible and some of it forbidden, and it was said that he takes money in company, and it was said that he takes money from a woman and falls into sedition . And sugar without a drink is fear and horror . For God Almighty says : “And you will see the people drunk, but they are not drunk .” And drunkenness from drinking is money, badness and power that the visionary attains . And sugar from drinking is a safety of fear, because a drunken person does not panic from anything . If he saw that he was drunk and tore his clothes . For he is a man if his world is expanded, and he cannot tolerate blessings, and he does not control himself . And whoever drinks alcohol and gets drunk from it, he will make forbidden money, and he will gain from that money as much as the amount of sugar from it . It was said that drunkenness is bad for men and women, and that is that it indicates a lot of ignorance, and he saw a man as if he was a guardian, and he rode in his work with a people, and when he wanted to leave, he found them all drunk, so he could not help any of them, and every one stayed on his drunkenness . He told it to Ibn Sirin, so he said : They finance and dispense with you and do not answer you and do not follow you .