
Singing : If it is good, it indicates a profitable business, and if it is not good, it indicates a losing trade. Some of them said that the singer is a scholar, wise or masculine, and singing in the market for the rich indicates scandals and ugly things they fall into . And for the poor his mind goes . And whoever sees a place where he sings, then there is a lie that differentiates between loved ones, and a lying envious plot, because the first one who sang and mourned the devil, may God curse him . And it was said that singing indicates hustle and bustle and conflict, due to the change of movements in the discotheque . And whoever sees it as if he sings poems with a good melody and a loud voice, this is better for the singers and melodies and for all of them . If he sees as if he is singing bad songs, that indicates unemployment and poverty . And whoever sees it as if he is walking in the mud and singing, that is good, especially for those who used to sell sticks . And the singer in the bathroom accused words . And it was said singing originally indicates hustle and conflict .