Sword striking

Hitting the sword : hitting an honor for the sake of God . And seeing the famous sword in the hand of a man who was famous for a job he did . And the spear was stabbed with words . As well as with a sword, a stick and a column . If he points out one of these things and does not stab, then he is taking a word and does not speak it . And struggle if it was for the sake of God and he was the target and the one injured by the arrow . Because he attains his need from the proximity to God Almighty . And if she is in this world, he attains her honor . A man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw two rows of people throwing each row, one of them throwing the other row, so one of the two rows was throwing and they were hit, and the other two were thrown so they would not be hit. He said : These are two groups between them, and the righteous ones work with truth, and the sinners speak falsehood .