
As for the penalty : whoever sees his hand shackled to his neck, he will hit money that he does not pay zakat on . It was said that it forbids sin . If he sees that his hands are tied, this indicates the severity of his stinginess . If the mule is of Sajur, which is surrounded by iron and wood in the middle, this indicates his hypocrisy . And whoever sees that he is chained and chained, then he is an unbeliever who calls to Islam . And whoever thinks that he has taken an abuse, he will fall into great distress from imprisonment or otherwise, because God Almighty says : ~ Take him and cover him .~ And Ibn Sirin came to a woman and said : I saw a man with a chain and a hook, and he said to her : The mule and samogur are made of wood, because this is a man who claims that he is from the Arabs and is not honest in his case . It was as he said . And it was narrated that Imam Al-Shafi’i saw in prison as if he was crucified with the Commander of the Faithful, may God be pleased with him, on his back, and his visions reached some of the expressers, so he said : The owner of this vision will spread his memory and raise his reputation, so his matter reached what he reached . And Ibn Sirin came to a man at the time of Yazid ibn al-Muhallab and said : I saw as if Qatada was crucified, and he said : This is a man with honor and he hears from him . Qatada in those days discouraged people from going out with Yazid, and made them sit down