the doctor

Doctor : A scholar in him in religion, and he indicates every reformer and one who deals with matters of religion and the world, such as the jurist, the ruler and the preacher who was preached by Ointment and Darbak, and the example of the polite, the master and the tanner who reformed the skins of animals . It also indicates cupping due to the volume of healing . Whoever sees a judge or a scientist will return to a doctor who is very friendly and helpful . And whoever sees a physician will return as a judge or jurist, and if he is a wise Muslim, he has increased his remembrance, his rank is great and his degree in his industry is great, and if otherwise he was given a calamity, and perhaps he will perish someone by his piety due to his ignorance and his courage, because he poisoned in a dream what he does not have . And whoever sees a doctor selling shrouds, let him beware of him, because he is a traitorous shroud in his medicine, especially if the shrouds he sold are folded, so it indicates that he was deceived in his medicine and the general public’s mistake in it, and whoever sees a doctor who returns a tanner to the skins is evidence of his cleverness and the large number of those who are acquitted by his hands. Unless he sees that his tanning is corrupt and rotten, then he is ignorant and rotten .