Self killing and slaughtering

Whoever sees that he kills himself will do well and repent sincerely, for God Almighty says : “ Repent to your righteous, and kill yourselves . ” The verse . And whoever sees that he is killed, he will extend his life . And whoever sees it as if he has killed a person without being slaughtered, the slain will be blessed with good . The basic principle is that slaughtering when it is not permissible to slaughter it is unjust . If he sees that he has slaughtered a slaughter, then condemn the slaughterer to wrong the slaughtered in his religion, or committing a disobedience to him . As for whoever kills or names a murderer and knows his killer, he will receive good, singing, money and power . This may be affected by the killer or his partner, because God Almighty says : “ And whoever kills a wrongdoer has made us a ruler for his ruler .” Although not known murderer, it is a man Cavour being Hamlet on the ability, either Kafr El – Din or Kafr grace, the verse : ~ man killed Okfarh ~ and saw his throat cut does not know of slaughter, it is man who has invented a heresy or imitated his neck false testimony and the government and spend . As for the one who slaughters his father, mother, or son, he must prevent him and transgress against him . As for the one who slaughters a woman, he must interchange her . Likewise, if a female animal is slaughtered, and he has intercourse with a woman or spoiled a firstborn, and whoever slaughters a male animal behind it, he slaughters, and if he sees that he slaughtered a child and grilled a child and did not cook, then the injustice in that is to his father and mother . If the boy is a subject of darkness, then he is wronged in his right, and it is called ugly, just as the fire got from his flesh and it was not cooked, and if it was what is said about it, the barbecue would be done . If the boy is not in what is said about it and is wronged by it, then that is for his parents, for they are oppressed and they throw a lie, and people abound in them, and all of this is invalid as long as the fire does not cook . If he sees the boy slaughtered with barbecues, that is when the boy reaches the level of men . If his family ate from his flesh, he would gain them from his goodness and favor . If he sees that a sultan slaughters a man and puts him on the neck of the person of the vision without a head, then the sultan oppresses a person and asks him for what he is unable to do, and this bearer demands that demand, and asks him for his money that is heavy with the weight of the slaughtered, if he knows him, then he is himself, and if he does not know him and he was an old man, then he takes him with a friend And he is required to pay a fine based on his weight and lightness . And if he was a young man, he took an enemy and was in love . If the head of the slaughtered person is with him, then he is given the call to prayer, and he is not fined, and the fine is on the owner, but it will give him an illusory burden . If the king sees that his master killed him, then he will set him free . And a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw a woman slain in the middle of her house, disturbed on her bed . Ibn Sirin said to him : This woman should have had a marriage on her bed that night . The man was a brother and her husband was absent, so the man rose from Ibn Sirin while he was angry at his sister with a hidden evil, so he came to his house and found his sister’s slave-girl and she brought him a gift and said : My master came yesterday from the journey . So the man rejoiced, and he removed his anger . And a woman Ibn Sirin came and said : I saw as if I killed my husband with a people . He said to her : You carried your husband into sin, so fear God, may He be glorified and exalted . She believed . And another came to him and said : I saw as if I had killed a boy and brought him to life . He said that you would wrong this boy by calling him to something forbidden and that he would obey you .