Interpretation of bow, string and arrow

Sagittarius is a woman who is quick to give birth, or a boy, a brother, or a travel or proximity to God Almighty . And the bow in the cover of a boy in his mother’s womb . The bow with other weapons, Sultan and Glory . And whoever gives his wife a bow, she gives birth to a girl, and if the woman gives him a bow, he will have a son . Extending the bow without an arrow is a travel guide . And whoever sees that he has extended an Arab bow, he will travel to an honorable man to travel in Glory, and if the bow is Persian, he will travel to the people of Ajam . Cessation of the tendon is evidence of obstruction from travel, and indicates a woman’s divorce . And the broken arc is evidence of the death of the woman or the boy and the partner or some relatives, and perhaps the arch indicates a mandate, and its brokenness indicates isolation . The difficulty of the bow is an indication for the traveler of too much fatigue, for the merchants to lose, in the child to disobedience, and in the woman to disobedience, and her ease indicates the opposite of that, and if he throws an arrow on her and hits the purpose, he attains his goal . And perhaps seeing the bow indicates proximity to some of the nobles , because God Almighty says : “ Then he came down and hung down ” the verse . And whoever extends a bow without an arrow, he will travel far and return to good condition : if the string is cut off, he stays in the position to which he traveled if he had reached it . And if his bow was broken, a calamity befall him in his authority, by ordering and forbidding . Throwing from the bow of nuts is tossing those who throw it . Whoever takes a bow will strike a young boy and gain more authority . And whoever sees that he carves a bow and is single and intends to marry, he will marry and his wife conceives when he enters with her . And if he takes office, the parish does not obey him . Rather, he made the interpretation of the bow a woman, because people say : A woman is like a bow , if her level is broken . The bow attributed to the boy is a child who has writing and letters, and if he extends a bow that has a clear voice and throws it away and carries out the arrow, then he follows a dignified state and carries out his command on justice and fairness . It was said that he who saw in his hand a broken bow married a free woman .