See some righteous people

And whoever sees some of the righteous from the dead becomes alive in his country, for that town will gain its people fertility, relief and justice from their guardians, and the status of their chief, Al-Hasan Al-Basri, may God have mercy on him, is fit as if he wears wool, and in the middle of it is a chain and his legs are bound, and it has a pallet of honey, which is standing on a dump His hand was a tanbir striking him, while he was based on the Kaaba, so I told his visions on Ibn Sirin, and he said : As for his shield of wool, he ascended him, and as for his coat, his strength is in the religion of God, and as for his honey, his love for the Qur’an and its interpretation of people, and as for his restraint in his piety. His feet, and as for hitting a tanaburah, spreading his wisdom among the people, as for his reliance on the Kaaba, he turns to God, may He be glorified and exalted .