
The marriage contract : for a man in his neck, if he is a student of the Qur’an, collect it, and if he is a student of jurisprudence, rule it up, and if he has a covenant or a contract that he fulfills, and if none of that and he is single, he married a woman who improves the Qur’an, and if he has a child bearing a boy to him, it is cut off. If there is a covenant in his neck, he breaks it, and if he has memorized the Qur’an he forgot and overlooks it, otherwise knowledge will be dispersed from him and destroyed by him, and if wires are gathered together, then the essence of them is the Qur’an and pearls are Sunnah, and the rest of the essence is the rule and words of righteousness and jurisprudence, and a woman’s contracting her husband or son Essence denotes faith, science and the Quran .