Hand lesions

As for the lesions of the hand : The lesion on the hand indicates the distress of the brothers . On her fingers, she points to the children of the brotherhood . And whoever sees that he has no hands, he will ask for what he does not reach . And whoever sees it as if he shakes hands with a Muslim man and takes off his hand, he pays him a trust and does not pay it . And whoever sees as if his right is still cut off, then he is a man of swearing, and whoever sees as if his right is cut off and placed in front of him, he will hit money from his earnings . The lack of a hand is an indication of a lack of strength and aides, and perhaps cutting the hand indicates leaving a job that is in the pipeline . If he sees as if his hand was cut off from the palm, then it will not happen to him, and if it is cut from the joint, then it affects the injustice of a ruler, and if it was cut from the upper arm and gone, his brother died, if he had a brother . For God Almighty says : ~ We will strengthen your arm with your brother .~ If he does not have a brother or someone to take his place, then his money is reduced, and if he sees that a governor cut off the hands and feet of his flock, then he takes their money and spoils their earnings and pension . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw as if his hand had been cut off, and he said : This is a man who does a job and turns on him to someone else . As a carpenter, he switched to another job . Another man came to him and said : I saw a man had his hands and feet cut off, and another was crucified : He said : If you believe your vision, remove this prince and someone else’s guardian . So he isolated from his day smart bin Madrak, and the guardian of Jarrah bin Abdullah . If he saw as if a ruler cut off his oath, he forcibly took a false oath . If he sees as if he has cut off his left, then that is the death of a brother or sister, the interruption of the intimacy between him and them, or the cutting of a womb, the separation of a partner, or the divorce of a woman . If he saw that his hand had been cut off at the door of the Sultan, then the king left his hand . As for the shortening of the hand, it is an indication of missing what is meant and being unable to do what is meant, and the agents and brothers failing it . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw that his right is longer than his left, and he said : This is a man who does the favor and reaches the womb . And whoever saw that he was short forearms and forearms, his visions indicated that he was a thief, a traitor, or an oppressor . If he sees his arms and arms longer than they were, then he is a brave, generous crook . As for paralysis of the hands and their joints, whoever sees as if his hands have been paralyzed, he is guilty of a grave sin . If he sees his oath being paralyzed, he strikes an innocent and oppresses weak . If he saw that his left hand was crippled, his brother or sister died, and if his thumb dried out, his father died, and if his index finger dried, his sister died, and if his waist dried out, his brother died . And if the ring dried out, he hit his daughter . And if the pinky dried up, he was injured by his mother and his family . If he sees a warp behind his hand, he avoids sins . And it was said that he is gaining a great sin, for which God will punish him . And whoever sees his hands and feet cut off from disagreement, then he will increase corruption or get out of authority . For the Almighty said : “The reward for those who fight God and His Messenger is the reward ” verse . And it was said that whoever saw his oath was cut off, then he was stealing, because God Almighty said : ~ So cut off their hands .~ A man saw as if his hand was cut off, so he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : A brother, friend, or partner is cut off from him, so he told him that a friend of his had died . A man saw that his hand had been cut off by a well-known man, so he said : You will receive five thousand dirhams on his hand if you are concealed, otherwise you will end with something wrong on his hand .