White vision

As for eggs : if they are seen in a bowl, they are indicated by the maidservants, because God Almighty says : ~As if they were created eggs .~ If he sees that his chickens have layered, he is giving birth to a son . And cooked eggs, distinguished from the peel, are a pleasant sustenance . If he sees it as if he ate it raw, then he is eating unlawful money, or they are struck by them, or he is committing an immoral act . And eating eggshells indicates that he is a grave digger . If he sees as if an egg came out from his wife, and she gave birth to an unbeliever child, because God Almighty said : ~And the dead will come out of the living .~ If he sees as if he put an egg under the hen and it cracks from the chicken, then he lives for him a dead matter and a believing son is born for him, because God Almighty says : “ The living will come out of the dead, ” and perhaps the number of each chicken will have a son . And if he puts eggs under a rooster, and he takes the chicks out, he brings a teacher there who teaches the boys . If he breaks an egg, he rests a firstborn, and if he cannot break it, he is unable to do so . If the egg strikes and his wife is pregnant, he orders her to fall . If someone sees someone else break an egg and return it to him, then his daughter will choose a man . And whoever treads his sleeve and an egg comes out of it, then he steps into his ummah and a slave girl is born from it . If he sees a lot of eggs with him, then he has much money and belongings that he fears will spoil . And all this in raw eggs . And whoever sees pure eggs, he is fit for something that has gone too far and is difficult, and by fixing it he will obtain money and live for him a dead matter, and if he eats it with its shell, then he is a scavenger . If it burps, he ate a woman’s money and wasted it . If he eats it, he will marry a woman who has money . The cranberry eggs are a poor boy . And the eggs of the parrot are a pious slave girl, and it was said that he who saw that he was given an egg had an honorable son . If the egg broke, the boy would die . And it was said : The eggs are for the decorated doctors, and for those whose pension is good evidence . As for the rest of the people . The little eggs, indicates the benefits, because they are eaten . And the many eggs, it indicates worries and worries, and repeatedly indicates hidden things . The adults were said to be white, boys . The children are girls, and a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw it as if I was eating egg shells, so he said, “Fear God, you are plundering the dead.” He saw a single man as if he had found many eggs, so he recounted his vision on a crossing, so he said : There is a woman for the celibate, and the married man has children . A man saw that he was peeling cooked eggs, so he recounted a vision on a crossing, and he said : You get money from some of the loyalists . And Mamlouk saw as if he had taken a pure egg from his maid, so he threw it with its shell, and used its money, and his maid gave birth to a son, so the Mamluk took that one who was born in Europe by the order of the woman’s husband, and he became a reason for the pension of that owned .