Earth minerals

It indicates treasures, imprisoned money, hoarded knowledge, and stockpiled earnings, because they are God’s deposits in his land, and he deposited them for his servants for their interests in their world and their religion, so whoever finds of them metal or minerals or various minerals will look at his case, and if he was a plowman, his skin is more than his year of earnings. The earth has its interior and the delights of its liver from its benefits and yields, and if he is a student of science, he is blessed with its offspring, reading it and winning it, if he permits it to people in a dream, and it is wide enough to sleep because of him in dreams, this indicates what appears from his knowledge of speech and what he publishes from Sunnahs and flags, and if he is power in a sea His enemy or known for jihad, he opened over the number of cities of polytheism, and the Muslims took their captives and their sheep, and if he was an unbeliever of heresy and a leader in misguidance and a caller, that was a temptation that he would open to people and misfortunes that he spread among the servants, because God Almighty called our money and our children a trial in His book, and the minerals of the land are money Silent watching a continent like a buried eye .